Students and Scholarship

The Center for Hellenic Studies not only creates a space for students to study Greek culture and history, it also strives to create partnerships with academic programs both in the United States and abroad.

Professor Ruprecht is proud to announce that he'll be teaching his course, Religion and Sexuality: Human Sexuality in Greek History and Culture, at the American University of Rome, May 12−26, 2016.

All GSU students are eligible to apply for a study abroad fellowship ($500-$1000) through the Study Abroad office (deadline March 24), as well as to pursue other funding opportunities through the Scholarship Resource Center in Sparks Hall at the top of the Kell Hall ramp on the left.

Prof. Ruprecht will host two information sessions about the course in the Study Abroad Library in the 3rd floor of Dahlberg Hall. These meetings will be held on:

Tuesday, March 8, 1:00−3:00pm and

Monday, March 21, 12:00−2:00pm

AUR_Religion and Sexuality

Georgia State University currently offers a variety of courses that specifically examine or include Greek culture, history, and influence. Students can explore these topics as part of an interdisciplinary minor in Hellenic Studies. Students can select coursework from a wide variety of offerings:

  • Ancient Greek 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002
  • Modern Greek 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002
  • Art History 4110: Art & Architecture of Ancient Greece
  • History 3500: Ancient Mediterranean
  • History 4520: Ancient Persia, Greece, and Rome
  • Philosophy 3010: History of Western Philosophy I: Ancient and Medieval
  • Philosophy 4010: Plato
  • Philosophy 4020: Aristotle
  • Philosophy 4030: Ancient Philosophy
  • Religious Studies 3290: Jesus Inside and Outside the Gospels
  • Religious Studies 3600: Greek Mythology
  • Religious Studies 3970: Tragedy & Comedy
  • Religious Studies 4295: Religion, Sport, & Spirituality
  • Political Science 4520: Theories of Democracy
  • Religious Studies 4640: Religion and Sexuality: The Problem of the Erotic
  • Religious Studies 4690: Liberalism, Secularism and Religion
  • Classical Studies 2201: Greek Drama
  • Classical Studies 2202: Classical Epic
  • Classical Studies 2203: Greek and Roman Mythology

  • NYU Summer in Athens NYU Summer in Athens strives to provide students with a means of understanding Greek culture within the context of lived experience. Special emphasis is placed on visiting and exploring significant cultural and historical sites, not only in Athens but also in other parts of Greece. Field trips, cultural activities, and guest lecturers constitute an integral component of the program; students are expected to attend and actively participate in all of them. Learn more at the website.
  • Study in Greece: ASCSA Programs and Fellowships The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, one of America’s most distinguished centers devoted to advanced teaching and research, was founded in 1881 to provide American graduate students and scholars a base for their studies in the history and civilization of the Greek world. Today, over 130 years later, it is still a teaching institution, providing graduate students a unique opportunity to study firsthand the sites and monuments of Greece. The School is also a superb resource for senior scholars pursuing research in many fields ranging from prehistoric to modern Greece, thanks to its internationally renowned libraries, the Blegen, focusing on all aspects of Greece from its earliest prehistory to late antiquity, and the Gennadius, which concentrates on the Greek world after the end of antiquity.The School offers many opportunities for advanced undergraduates, graduate and PhD students, and faculty. Learn more at
  • Emory University's PhD program in Ancient History