Lecturer, Hellenic Studies
Yale University: MacMillan Center
Open Date
Oct 29, 2024
The Hellenic Studies Program (HSP) at The MacMillan Center of Yale University, seeks a Lecturer with expertise in any field of the social sciences or humanities, for a three-year appointment, with the possibility of renewal, beginning on July 1, 2025.
Responsibilities include: teaching four courses per year, including one survey or foundation course to attract students to HSP and the larger curriculum (courses may include seminars in own field and courses that dovetail with the language or other curriculum of HSP); participation in the development of curricular strategies to maximize HSP core faculty and visiting scholar strengths to meet a range of student interests; contributing to HSP extracurricular programming to link the larger Greek, Greek-American and Yale faculty and student communities in the New Haven and northeast areas; and research excellence in areas related to Modern Greece.
Salary commensurate with experience and background.
Applicants must have met the requirements for a PhD or equivalent degree at time of hire in social sciences or humanities or related field; possess thorough knowledge of post-classical Hellenic studies, preferably addressing Greece and its regional and international context; have university-level teaching experience; proficiency in Modern Greek; and excellent English oral and written communication skills. They must also have the ability to interact effectively with faculty, students, and staff on a wide range of issues. Fluency in Modern Greek and program leadership and administrative experience is preferred.
For more information: https://apply.interfolio.com/157490